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What is KHA?
Kitchen Hero Academy

In 2021, Spark United was pleased to partner with Dr. Megan Bartley, OTD, OTR/L, in the development of Kitchen Hero Academy (KHA).  Designed to address food insecurity, KHA is a free, garden-to-table program for middle school students.

A Skills-Based Program

Over the course of 10 weeks, Kitchen Heroes learn basic kitchen skills & safety, knife skills, how to read recipes, gardening basics, healthy nutrition, fishing, budgeting, grocery shopping, and more. 

Field Learning

Field trips have included visits to a dairy farm, fishing pond, wheat farm, and grocery stores.

The Garden

Kitchen Heroes work a garden throughout the program, using its produce as ingredients for their recipes.

Sponsor a Kitchen Hero!

Your gift makes it possible for us to offer this as a free program in our community! $350 will scholarship one Kitchen Hero, but feel free to give more or less, as able!

Please choose "KHA" to donate to this program.

Simple and secure giving. One-time or recurring