Pastor Kelcie is a song evangelist church planter...a singing-songwriting pastor...a melodic minister! 

It's hard to put a title to it...but whatever it is, she feels called to use song for God's mission on the road and churchplanting at home! We sing some of her original music at our worship gatherings--the chord sheets are available below for those who'd like to sing/play along!

Exline's most recent album, Nissi, features many of these songs, recorded in collaboration with friends across the US--including members of the Spark United band. Nissi is available on all streaming/digital platforms. CDs are available for purchase upon request.

Exline is available for gigs, concerts, and speaking engagements on Sundays and some week nights.  If you'd like to book Exline or the Spark United band, please fill out the form below.

Released Music

Find us on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and Spotify.

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